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In our latest post we’re covering a range of the different kinds of problems and threats data analysis can help protect your business from.

We’ve brought together some of our favourite experts working in big data, cybersecurity and tech to shed light on some of the practical applications of using data analysis for protecting your operations.


Using Data Analysis To Prevent Cyber Attacks & Spot DDoS Attempts

“Big data has the potential to prevent cyberattacks through intelligent risk management techniques that are only possible with automation tools”, says Eric McGee, Senior Network Engineer at TRGDatacenters. “Data analysis tools, when used correctly, can also help detect cyberthreats much better than manually possible.”

Shayne Sherman, CEO, and Founder of Techloris seconded this in his response;

“The recent digitalization of the business world is putting businesses at risk of cyber attacks at a higher rate than ever before.”

“Big data analysis has the potential to offer protection against these attacks.” “Analysis is an essential element in leveraging cyber resilience. With more advanced and persistent attacks and the basic fact that every company must protect itself against all varieties of attacks while an attacker only needs one successful attempt, means that organizations must rethink their cybersecurity concepts.”

“Lastly, modern big data security analytics solutions give various automated workflows for responding to detected threats, such as disrupting clearly identified malware attacks or submitting a suspicious event to a managed security service for further analysis.”

Jack Zmudzinski, Senior Associate at Future Processing contributed his thoughts on using analysis to spot potential DDoS attempts;

“Data analysis also helps to protect you from DDoS attacks.”

“By scanning the traffic patterns you can easily recognize an attack and reduce or completely diminish its impact onto your business.”

“Auditing and monitoring data is one of the better methods of making your company more resistant to such threats. Using the right technology can help you mitigate the damage that can be done both by the internal and external threats.”

Investment Opportunities & Business Decisions

When prompted on the topic of making investments and driving business change, Eric responded with the following;

“Metrics that are governed by data analysis assist companies in optimizing their investment and tweaking business direction when needed.”

“Product workflows need to be monitored at all times, and intelligent analytics tend to improve operational efficiency in most businesses.”

Using Data Analysis For Network Monitoring

“Data analysis can be incredibly beneficial in detecting threats and is something every business should make use of in their practices.”

“In particular, data analysis can monitor networks and can alert the user to any network anomalies”, said Emily Deaton, Financial Journalist at LetMeBank.

She continued;

“These anomalies are often not easily or quickly perceived without the assistance of data analysis, as finding patterns or potential threats without the help of analysis can be a time-consuming process.”

“Without data analysis alerting businesses of such potential threats, businesses may not realize a network anomaly has occurred until important data has been exfiltrated.”

“The exfiltration of data that includes sensitive consumer information, for example, can be incredibly damaging to a company’s reputation, which is why it’s essential to prevent these hacks from occurring.”

“With threats becoming increasingly harder to spot, it makes sense to utilize all of the features that data analysis tools have to offer.”

Preventing Phishing Attempts

“Phishing & malicious hack attempts are examples of threats that are being avoided by proper data analytics”

said Abdul Rehman, Cyber Security Editor at VPNRanks.

“Data analysis algorithms can help in detecting and identifying phishing emails and react faster than any one person can. Thus, it helps prevent employees falling for these traps and aids in preventing subsequent losses to your businesses.”

Using Big Data For Sales & Marketing Analysis

“Decision making in terms of marketing strategy is the topmost area where data analysis makes a serious impact, by discovering useful information and identifying profit metrics companies can save themselves from investing in the wrong marketing channels.”

said Eric. He continued:

“Using the right metrics, companies can decide which digital media channel to invest in to best fulfill company goals.”

How Can I Get Started With Data Analysis?

Ivan Kot, Senior Manager at Itransition cites the importance of self service tools in his response;

“As we live in the times of persistent global uncertainty, it would be a critical mistake to not only ignore data analysis but also rely on long-term projections.”

“Today savvy companies need to admit that long-term predictions have little to do with reality and make use of reactive analytics instead.”

“This way they will be able to instantly spot anomalies in customer activities and track impulses of even the smallest recovery of demand.”

“This intelligence is a sneak-peak of what their customers expect right now and is a ticket to being the first to deliver on these needs.”

“Self-service analytics tools are key to succeed (or survive) in our brave new world.”

“These tools are quite easy to master for any professional who works with data. Under these circumstances, companies can easily rely on citizen data scientists thus staying extremely agile and ready to act on a moment’s notice.”

End Notes

If you’ve not yet found a suitable data analysis platform then you might want to consider

Our platform enables you to store all your data in a single location and provides you with alerting and detailed dashboards for security monitoring, making data and log analysis easier and more affordable, especially when compared to the costs of dealing with distributed systems or hosting ELK inhouse.

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