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Redis Metrics

Collect and ship Redis server metrics to Logstash and Elasticsearch.

Metricbeat is a lightweight shipper that helps you monitor your Redis servers by collecting metrics running on the Redis server. Configure Metricbeat using the pre-defined examples below to collect and ship Redis service metrics and statistics to Logstash or Elasticsearch.

Follow this step by step guide to get 'logs' from your system to

Step 1 - Install Metricbeat

To get started first follow the steps below:

Older versions can be found here metricbeat 7, metricbeat 6, metricbeat 5

Step 2 - Copy configuration file

The configuration file below is pre-configured to send data to your Stack via Logstash.

Copy the configuration file below and overwrite the contents of metricbeat.yml.

###################### Metricbeat Configuration #######################
# =========================== Modules configuration ============================

  # Glob pattern for configuration loading
  path: ${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml

  # Set to true to enable config reloading
  reload.enabled: false

  # Period on which files under path should be checked for changes
  #reload.period: 10s
# ======================= Elasticsearch template setting =======================
  index.number_of_shards: 1
  index.codec: best_compression
  #_source.enabled: false

# ================================== Outputs ===================================
# ------------------------------ Logstash Output -------------------------------
<div class="sw-warning">
        <img src="/images/source-wizard/warning-triangle.svg">
       <b>No input available! </b> Your stack is missing the required input for this data source <a href="#" onclick="Intercom('showNewMessage')" class="btn btn-info btn-sm">Talk to support to add the input</a>

Step 3 - Enable module

There are several built in metricbeat modules you can use. To enable the Apache module, run the following:


metricbeat modules list
metricbeat modules enable redis


./metricbeat modules list
./metricbeat modules enable redis

Step 4 - Configure module

Each module has its own configuration file where different metricsets can be enabled / disabled. Locate the configuration file for the Redis module.

deb/rpm /etc/metricbeat/modules.d/redis.yml

macOS ~/<EXTRACTED_ARCHIVE>/modules.d/redis.yml

By default the metricsets are disabled. To enable or disable a metric simply comment or uncomment the line out.

- module: redis
  # - info
  # - keyspace
  period: 10s

Step 5 - Start Metricbeat

Start or restart metricbeat to apply the configuration changes.

Step 6 - Check for your logs

Data should now have been sent to your Stack.

View my data

If you don't see logs take a look at How to diagnose no data in Stack below for how to diagnose common issues.

Step 7 - how to diagnose no data in Stack

If you don't see data appearing in your Stack after following the steps, visit the Help Centre guide for steps to diagnose no data appearing in your Stack or Chat to support now.

Step 8 - Compatibility

The Redis metricsets were tested with Redis 3.2.12, 4.0.11 and 5.0-rc4, and are expected to work with all versions >= 3.0.

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