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OpenSearch allows you to store a sizeable amount of data, commonly logs, metrics, and documents. You access useful data within OpenSearch by querying to get specific information, deep analysis, and insights for decision-making. With OpenSearch, you can perform complex searches by using natural language, Boolean operators, and filters to pinpoint relevant information efficiently. Within this guide, we will outline OpenSearch Query DSL, how to query OpenSearch, and some tips for querying OpenSearch in


OpenSearch Query DSL

OpenSearch offers a search language known as Query Domain-Specific Language (DSL), which you can use to query your data. This flexible language features a JSON-based interface, making it easy to construct and execute searches. With query DSL, you specify a query in the query parameter of the search. For example, one of the simplest searches in OpenSearch uses the match_all query, which matches all documents in an index.

How to Query OpenSearch?

Querying OpenSearch involves using its powerful Query DSL (Domain-Specific Language), which allows you to retrieve and analyze data stored within OpenSearch indices. Below we’ve listed some different types of queries to show how to query OpenSearch.

1. Basic Search Query

This performs a basic search query that searches for documents containing a specific term in any field.

Copy code
GET /index_name/_search
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "_all": "search_term"

index_name: Replace with the name of your index. search_term: Replace with the keyword you’re searching for.

2. Search in a Specific Field

If you want to search within a specific field, you can use the match query:

Copy code
GET /index_name/_search
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "field_name": "search_term"

field_name: The field in which to search. search_term: The term to search for.

3. Range Query

Use a range query to search within a specific range of values, such as dates or numbers.

Copy code
GET /index_name/_search
  "query": {
    "range": {
      "timestamp": {
        "gte": "2023-01-01",
        "lte": "2023-01-31"

gte: Greater than or equal to. lte: Less than or equal to.

4. Boolean Query

A bool query allows you to combine multiple queries using logical operators like must, should, and must_not:

Copy code
GET /index_name/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        { "match": { "field_name": "value1" } }
      "should": [
        { "match": { "field_name": "value2" } }
      "must_not": [
        { "term": { "field_name": "value3" } }

5. Executing the Query

Using cURL, you can execute these queries from the command line.

Copy code
curl -X GET "http://localhost:9200/index_name/_search" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "message": "search_term"

With you gain access to both Hosted OpenSearch and Hosted OpenSearch Dashboards. OpenSearch Dashboards allows you to enter these queries in the Dev Tools console to create visualizations.

With OpenSearch there are more methods for querying data than the four listed above, such as aggregations for data analysis, combining queries and filters, and pagination. The configuration and information for these types of queries and searches in OpenSearch can be found in the searching section of’s OpenSearch documentation.

6 Tips for Querying OpenSearch in

Keep Index Mappings in Mind

Understand your index mapping as it defines how your data is stored and how it will be queried. Good field mapping, especially with regards to data type, (such as text, keyword, and date), will be crucial to efficient querying and delivering accurate results. If you’re unfamiliar with index mappings in OpenSearch, we have produced numerous articles in our documentation that cover various aspects of the feature.

Leverage Filters for Performance

During query building, when you need to perform queries for exact matches or even range searches, use filters wherever possible. Filters are quicker and more efficient since they do not participate in the relevance score, making them ideal for refining results. Filters reduce the scope of the search at an early stage and, therefore, can help improve the performance of your queries.

Test and Validate Queries

Test your queries well before running them into production, and ensure the result set is what you expect. OpenSearch Dashboards or any REST client will be useful in experimenting with different query structures. These kinds of validations, at this stage, save errors and thereby improve accuracy, ensuring that your search operations will work just as expected. has produced multiple configuration guides for implementing specific queries in OpenSearch. These could be used for testing purposes and to experiment with different query structures.

Use Aggregations for Insights

With aggregations, you're able to group and analyze your data in a way that enhances basic searching. You'll apply terms aggregations to count occurrences of certain values, date histograms to track trends over time, and cardinality aggregations to receive counts over unique values. Aggregations are important in building dashboards and extracting meaningful metrics out of your data.

Optimize Query Performance with Pagination

Paginate your results using the from and size parameters when you deal with large results datasets. This prevents your system from being overwhelmed due to loading too many results at a time. Pagination also keeps your queries efficient and allows users a better experience where their data is loaded in chunks. Follow our guide to learn how to implement pagination in OpenSearch.

Combine Queries with Boolean Logic

Use the Boolean query to combine several queries that have must, should, and must_not conditions. This will enable your advanced search criteria to match multiple conditions, exclude certain results, or enjoy flexible relevancy. Boolean queries are crucial in narrowing down big datasets and finding precisely what you are looking for.

Hosted OpenSearch from

OpenSearch is available through as Hosted OpenSearch. Opting for Hosted OpenSearch from removes the complicated and time-consuming configuration and maintenance as this will be handled by us, allowing you to quickly begin gaining from the benefits of the tool. Hosted OpenSearch provides the flexibility to query your data in a way that suits your needs. Whether you’re running simple keyword searches or executing complex queries, OpenSearch adjusts to deliver accurate results every time. If you’re interested in finding out more about Hosted OpenSearch from, don’t hesitate to contact us or begin exploring the platform for yourself with a 14-day free trial.

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